Why TV Is Bad For You
I got rid of my TV some years ago – and I never missed it at all. Quite the contrary, I think living without TV is a liberation that enables a better life. Here’s why: 1. Advertising Quite a bit of the airtime is advertising. You’re certainly too clever to believe what they’re telling you. […]

Substance and Form
Think about it: what’s more important, substance or form? Tea or cup? If we ask the same question in the realm or computers, it’d be: what’s more important, software or hardware. But the analogy is set: tea and software are substances, contained in cups or hardware as their form. And the question remains to explore: […]

Counter-intuitive Ideas Can Lead to Astonishing Results
It struck me when I was watching Brian Eno’s talk at PopTech 2006*. He started with pointing out that the concept of evolution is so counter-intuitive that it is very hard for anybody to grasp it. The concept of evolution shows that complexity and intelligence grows from simplicity rather than from greater complexity. This idea is […]

Strive for the intangible things
The best things in life aren’t things In our western world we value tangible things. We believe, that they, and only they, can make us happy. That’s why people sleep on the street in front of a store just to be the first to get some new gadget. And they expect to be the first […]